Nobody wants to move into a brand new home only to find that they're not the only ones living there. But it happens more often than you'd think, since new homes are especially susceptible to infestations. That's because development stirs up the bug population in the soil, causing them to seek shelter in the partially completed home. And during landscaping, even more bugs are brought on site via sod, mulch, and potted plants. Lucky for you, Terramor,
has teamed up with Bulwark Pest Control to make sure your new home is 100% guaranteed against pests. Bulwark was there to protect your home during construction. And now that you've moved in, we'd like to get in touch to reestablish the barrier around your new home in order to keep the shield up and bugs out. This initial treatment has already been paid for by Terramor and it warranties your home for the first 60 days.
Terramor organized this for a good reason because, here in the South, insects have been thriving for thousands of years. The flora and the mulch beds created when they die are the perfect breeding ground for ants and other insects. Ever look under a rock in the forest? Well, the foundation of your home creates the exact same cool, moist environment that insects love. So it's no surprise they often make their way into your home through small cracks and openings.
The main source of the problem lies outside. The old forest may be gone, but the pests that thrive there remain in vegetation and around other rock-like foundations surrounding your home. They even use the wooden fences between as an insect superhighway. That's why you'll want to hire Bulwark to reapply the exterior pest shield around your home every other month to keep the overflow of pests in your yard and surrounding neighborhood out.
This clean exterior treatment doesn't require any indoor applications and can be conveniently applied without a homeowner present. During the first year of treatments with such massive outdoor insect populations, inevitably some will get through, especially during weather changes. When this happens, we expect you to call us out to take care of the problem free of charge. So contact Bulwark today to schedule your free initial barrier treatment and make sure your new home stays completely pest free.
Every home and every pest problem is unique. We will create a plan that meets your needs. Don’t stress over the details. Your Bulwark Pest Pro will help verify everything in your initial call.
*Restrictions apply. Contact us for details.